
Bin Dowal Exchange Co.
The company was established in 2015 during this period, the company was able to spread in the main cities in the province of Hadramout and expanded its activity in all governorates of the Republic through a wide network of agents and customers. The main activity of the Company is the sale and purchase of currencies and local and international transfers The company's head office is located in Mukalla, Hadramout, in front of Mukalla Mall.
It is one of the companies of Bin Dowal Trading Group, and it is one of the exchange companies in the Republic of Yemen that was launched in 2016 to be a brilliant name in providing banking services according to the instructions and controls of the Central Bank of Yemen. Its main headquarters is located in the city of Al-Mukalla, the capital of Hadramout Governorate, the largest governorate of the Republic of Yemen. The company follows the policy of continuous updating and development and keeping pace with global developments and in line with the latest local and international standards and regulations. With a large group of local agents to cover all regions and cities of the Republic of Yemen, it also has many international agents to deliver and receive remittances to and from many Arab and foreign countries with ease and ease.
Our Mission: Providing banking and services work that meets the needs of society and promotes it to the ranks of developed countries.
Company phones: ( 05325481 ، 05325482 ، 05327813 ، 05327000 ، 05325483 ، 05325288 ، 05327102 ، 05325287 )
WhatsAPP : ( 00967772559555 )